Tuesday 22 February 2011

You might mistake me for a heartbreaker, coz there's blood on the floor

Date:  22/02/11
Time:  20:50
Listening to/Watching:  When Harry Met Sally
On Nails:  Accessorize - Mermaid
On Toes:  17 - Knockout Red


I spent the night in Aberdeen last night.  I went to work as usual in the morning, then I caught the 3pm train from Edinburgh to Aberdeen.  It was a long journey but it wasn't too bad...  luckily nobody sat next to me for the whole journey :)

Once I got to Aberdeen it was dark and freezing.  It was about half 5 in the evening.  I got off the train and got in the queue for a taxi.  £11.50 it cost me from the station to the hotel!  Thankfully I can claim it back.  I stayed at the Hilton Treetops.  It looked impressive from the outside, and the reception area was lovely, but the rooms were nothing special at all.  I'd go as far as to say that the rooms at the Premier Inn are faaaaaaaaaaaar nicer and better.  And bigger.  Plus I didn't even get a double bed, it was 2 single beds that I couldn't push together.  Not too bad for me.... I'm quite a small person, but I was in my boss's room briefly and his room was the same.  Thought they might of been able to sort him out at least.  Anyway, he (my boss) wasn't arriving til about half 8 so I had a few hours to myself.  I went down at got dinner.  It was weird sitting in the hotel restaurant eating on my own.  Food was quite nice.  After my boss got there and we sorted everything out, it was about 9pm.  I ran myself a gorgeous bath and sat in the lovely bubbles reading Glamour while listening to my iTunes.  After that I had a shower n all that, got ready n went to bed.  

This morning was a bit crazy, trying to get my manager to fax something through to the hotel to us from Edinburgh.  After that headed off to the event (which is why we were in Aberdeen in the first place).  My boss did his thing while I sat at the back whispering and emailing.  Then we were off!  On the road back to Edinburgh in the car.  We got back about 13:30 and it was straight back to work.  After the catch up chats and lunch.  Didn't get finished til about 7pm though, so I'm shattered tonight.

I'm currently watching When Harry Met Sally and I'm hoping it finishes soon coz t's a bit boring to be honest. Do you like it? xx

Sunday 20 February 2011

Versatile Blogger award

I was given this award by the lovely Lorna (thanks!) and I am now finally getting around to do it! :)

The Rules:
1. Thank and link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.

Not too sound like a rebel, but I won't be playing by the rules!  Well, not all of them anyway.  I have already taken care of number 1, I am about to do number 2, but I won't be doing 3 or 4.  Instead I invite anyone who is reading this and fancies doing it, to do it! :)

So, 7 things about me...

1.  I am a weird mix of very girly + tomboy.  I grew up as a tom boy, going to the football all       the time, wearing football tops, hanging around with the boys, playing shooting zombie computer games.  Then when I was around 18, I changed and went in the opposite direction.  Everything had to be pink or fluffy, or I just wasn't interested.  Now, at the grand old age of 27, I am somewhere in between.  I'm probably still more of a girl's girl and if you meet me I think I come across as sweet & girly, which I am, and I love all things pink & glittery, but I also still love a good game of Resident Evil on the Playstation, have 4 tattoos and I can still get down with the boys!

2.  I've had 2 significant relationships with boys.  The 1st one started when I was 18, and finished when I was 24.  In that time, we got engaged and bought a flat together.  The break up was tough with a capital T.  The next one started when I was 24 and is still going strong now.  I met him on a football bus and we were friends for a long time before we admitted we liked each other and our first kiss.  I was still recovering from my breakup when we got together which didn't make things easy but things smoothed out and we have now ended up in a rented flat together living & working in Edinburgh of all places! 

3.  I kinda wish I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  My current plans are to keep on working away in a job that I don't hate, hopefully make decent money and move back to Glasgow.  I'd like to stay with bf (and maybe even get married!).  I'd love to live in London or Manchester too but if that doesn't happen I won't be devastated and I'll be happy with little holidays there.  My job is ok but it's not my ideal job.  If I knew what my ideal job was I would go out and get it!  I would study again and get the qualifications I need.  But I've no idea what that is so I can't.

4.  I have one younger brother.  He is 2 & a half years younger than me so not too much of a difference, but we are just not close at all.  We don't fight or anything, but we are quite distant.  I don't really know why, and it's a shame, but it's hard to do anything about it.  Really my whole immediate family is a mess!  And I'm usually glad to be out of the way in Edinburgh and away from the chaos.

5.  I LVE TV & films.  My bf loves his TV too, we're such lovers of TV that our 2 bedroomed flat has 3 TV sets, 2 Virgin + boxes and one normal Virgin box!  So that's one with V+ in the living room, one with V+ in the spare room, and one with a normal Virgin box in the bedroom!  So we can watch whatever we like, whenever we like, and watch different stuff at the same time if we want!  I've got hundreds of DVD's, and always got loads of films taped on my V+.  We both also have Cineworld cares, you know the ones you pay monthly and then can go to the cinema as much as you like?  Yeah :)

6.  I can't drive but I would like to.  Every year I say I am going to learn, but still have not started!

7.  And finally, sometimes, when I'm on the move, listening to my iPod, I pretend that I'm in a film, and the music that I hear from my iPod, is that music in the film, the soundtrack as I am walking around, being in the film!  Daft, eh? :) xx

I Like That

I'm having a lazy Sunday!  Have spent the morning lying in bed with bf catching up on the soaps we missed during the week.  Have now had a shower and am sitting on the couch watching Doctor Who while he watches the football.

On Friday night I went to Glasgow for dinner with a couple of girls from work.  Yesterday me & bf went to the cinema to see Paul (loved it, really funny) and then for dinner at Zizzi's.  We then came home and watched a dvd of Sweet Sixteen, then had an early night :)

As I say, quiet one today then back to work tomorrow.  I have to be in work for 08:30 then I'm getting the 15:00 train to Aberdeen.  Staying overnight there (in the Hilton, woop woop) and then got stuff in Aberdeen on Tuesday morning.  Travelling back to Edinburgh in the car after that.  Bit fed up with work just now so hopefully a wee trip to Aberdeen will cheer things up a bit!

I get paid roundabout a week from today.  I can't wait, as I have been lusting after some lovely stuff from the flat, most of it from BHS!  I don't often buy stuff from or venture in to BHS, but I wandered in the other day and found some gorgeous stuff...

"Pixie" bedding set

"Bird & Blossom" bedding set

"Overlapping Hearts" cushion

"Word" cushion

"Birds Line" cushion

"Owl" cushion

"Butterfly Appliqué" cushion

"Lyla" cushion

Kirstie Allsop "Adore" cushion

There is also a lovely little kitchen roll holder which I seen the shop but can't find on the website.  It's kind of cream coloured and has a little bird on it :) can't wait to buy some of this stuff, especially the cushions! xx

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Cocktails & Conversations.... Music & Making Love

Hi :) so, we've moved.  I now live on Leith Walk, in a top floor flat.  I love it.  It is an old tenement flat with wooden floors & high ceilings.  Bf wasn't too keen to start off with but he's feeling more settled now.  It's not perfect but I like it.  The plan is eventually to move back to Glasgow and to be honest I can't wait until then.  No idea when that will be though.

I've applied for promotion at work.  Not very positive about the whole thing though.

In more exciting news........... at our Valentine's Day dinner the other night, there was talk of marriage :) we've never really talked about it before.  Bf knows I am not bothered about religion at all and even have a bit of a dislike for it.  I was talking about church weddings and how boring they were, and he said "would you marry me in a church wedding?" and I said yes and he said he still believed in them, and that he wanted to be with me forever and he hoped I knew that meant that I wouldn't be waiting forever for him to propose, but that he didn't want to rush it because he wanted it to be amazing when he asked me :) :) :) :) :) xx