Wednesday 16 February 2011

Cocktails & Conversations.... Music & Making Love

Hi :) so, we've moved.  I now live on Leith Walk, in a top floor flat.  I love it.  It is an old tenement flat with wooden floors & high ceilings.  Bf wasn't too keen to start off with but he's feeling more settled now.  It's not perfect but I like it.  The plan is eventually to move back to Glasgow and to be honest I can't wait until then.  No idea when that will be though.

I've applied for promotion at work.  Not very positive about the whole thing though.

In more exciting news........... at our Valentine's Day dinner the other night, there was talk of marriage :) we've never really talked about it before.  Bf knows I am not bothered about religion at all and even have a bit of a dislike for it.  I was talking about church weddings and how boring they were, and he said "would you marry me in a church wedding?" and I said yes and he said he still believed in them, and that he wanted to be with me forever and he hoped I knew that meant that I wouldn't be waiting forever for him to propose, but that he didn't want to rush it because he wanted it to be amazing when he asked me :) :) :) :) :) xx


  1. Oh wow, that's exciting! Sounds like you're "engaged to be engaged" :). Glad you like the new flat, it must be exciting moving into a new place.

  2. I know! Exciting & cute :) thanks :) xx
