Friday 24 December 2010

All I want for Christmas is you :)

Happy Christmas eve :) I right in to the festive spirit!  Me & bf watched Love Actually the other night, I've had all my Christmas nights out and now I'm home for Christmas :)

Today me & bf are going with my Nana & her husband and bf's sister to the cinema & for eats in Glasgow.  Then tonight, I am staying in with my mum, dad & brother and eating lots of little party snacks and watching dvds!  Then it's the big one tomorrow!  With about 14 family coming round for a big dinner :)

Ahhhhhh can't wait :) xx

Tuesday 21 December 2010

I wait underneath the covers all night beside you

I'm in a bit of a better mood than the last time I wrote!  I am still dreading the pictures of the Christmas party going on Facebook but oh well!

Me & bf have decided we are moving :) we're staying in Edinburgh but want to get away from the flat we're in just now, our neighbours are just a nightmare.  The latest escapade, was last night.  Our very annoying upstairs neighbour, started playing his music really loud at the back of 5pm, and it went on til about half 7 when I went up and chapped his door.  I chapped it 2 or 3 times and he didn't answer, but I know he was in.  Over the next hour maybe, I had chapped his door about 6 times and buzzed his buzzer.  The last time I chapped his door (really hard) he was still not answering, but he turned the music off and started to creep about, making his footsteps quieter than usual.  Weirdo.  Anyway, after that I decided I wanted to move and bf agreed.  We looked at lots of flats today and we've got a viewing on Thursday.  I love the flat and it's location, but our noisy annoying neighbours are stopping us from enjoying it.  Quite excited about moving :)

My mum has got me this watch for Christmas :)
I can't wait to get it!  It took me forever to choose between the gold or silver but I eventually plumped for silver.  On the gold one, the characters were gold, which was lovely and really classy looking, but as you can see on the silver, the characters are rainbow coloured, and in the end I thought that was more "me".

I think I know what bf has got me for Christmas.  I wish I didn't, I don't like the surprise to be ruined.  I have only myself to blame!  I keep asking and asking but I don't really mean it.  Well I do at the time but deep down I don't really want to know.  Anyway, all signs point towards a trip to London, which is brilliant :) I will have to practice my surprised face for Christmas day!

I have a day & a half left of work before I finish til Christmas :) and I can't wait!  My Nana is coming to pick us up and take us home with all the presents on Thursday :)

Saturday 18 December 2010

Boo hoo

I feeling a bit sorry for myself :( stupid I know but I can't help it.

Yesterday was my work Christmas night out.  I had a great time during the day - me & my manager went out for our own wee Christmas lunch to Pizza Express (oh the glamour!) and had a few drinks and a great laugh.  After that we went down to the bar at work to watch Come Dine With Me.  Now, I know that might sound weird but CDWM was in Edinburgh this week, and one of the guys works in the building I work in, and a crowd went down to the bar to watch the final episode, which was also his night.  It was good fun.  Then we headed up the Royal Mile to a fancy little cocktail bar called Monteith's, which is really nice with lots of fairy lights.  My friend met us there, then we went to a dodgy bar which I hated!  We were only there for one though, and then headed to the hotel which our dinner was.  I was a bit tipsy by then and having a good time.  

Then it all started to go wrong.

Nothing really happened I just stopped having a good time and I wasn't having a laugh and kind of felt like I didn't fit in.  I moved to Edinburgh properly about a year ago and I feel it's been difficult to make proper friends here.  I have made a few I would say but not enough to make me happy :-/

I have my friend S who is a lovely guy but sometimes he's hard work.  He can be veeeeeeeeeeery quiet and I feel like I have to make all the conversation, and then if I stop doing that, he won't start and will just stay quiet and I feel awkward :( I also have my friend (another S) who moved from Glasgow to live with her bf and is one of my proper friends from home, but now when I meet her in Edinburgh I feel bored because all she does is moan about bf and all their troubles.  But, then I think "is the common denominator, me?"  I have to have some part in it, right?  So that makes me feel shit.

I miss my friends from home and how easy it is to be with them.  I told my bf about this last night and his suggestion was to arrange to meet my friends tomorrow in Glasgow for lunch which I have arranged.  I don't do this that much coz it costs to get here and back but I feel I need it.

The other thing is...... I seen pictures of me from last night and I look so fat in every picture :( shallow I know :(

I know this is (hopefully) just a phase I am going through like we all do from time to time xx

Monday 13 December 2010

1. Two things you cannot leave the house without:
My phone & my keys.  Can I have a third and say lip balm?

2. Favourite brand of makeup:
Probably Benefit.

3. Favourite flower:
I have no favourite flower! :)

4. Favourite clothing stores:
River Island, New Look aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand...... Primark.

5. Favourite perfume:
I love Kylie Darling, Calvin Klein Euphoria, J Del Pozo Halloween, Channel Chance, Gucci Gucci.

6. Heels or Flats?:
Mixture, but heels always look better!

7. Do you make good grades?:
I made good grades at school without trying, if I'd tried I could of done even better.

8. Favourite colours:
Pink & green but not together.

9. Do you drink energy drinks?:
Yeeeeeees, Red Bull gives me wings!

10. Do you drink juice?
Yes I love it.

11. Do you like swimming?:
I do but I haven't done it in a looooooooong time.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
Yes, I hate eating with my fingers, I find it disgusting!.

13. Favourite moisturiser:
I'm not fussy with moisturisers, my skin is really good so I can get away with a lot.  I am using a Johnson's one at the moment.

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?:
I suppose I'd like to, but it's not a big deal for me.

15. Do you get mad easily?:
Hmmmm, sometimes!

16. Are you into ghost hunting?
No, I don't think I'd like to see a ghost!

17. Any phobias?:
Spiders and bugs and all that, also really scared of (this is really weird) my hands smelling of food, or other people touching me who have just touched food, it feels dirty.  I know that's really really weird but I can't help it.

18. Do you bite your nails?:
Only occasionally.

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?:

20. Do you drink coffee?:
No, just tea & hot chocolate!

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Jingle Bells!

Hey hey hey :) I'm so excited it's getting so close to Christmas :-D 

Not last weekend but the weekend before, I went to Glasgow from Friday til Sunday.  Friday was a quiet day at work, so I travelled in the morning from Edinburgh to our Glasgow office, and worked there for the day.  I took a loooooooong lunch, during which I met my friend for a munch and then left her and went shopping!  I have an obsession with nail polish, and as I had bare nails that day and didn't bring any through with me to Glasgow, felt that I Had to buy some.  Have you seen the new Accessorize make up?  Well I'm not sure about the rest of it but the nail polishes are lovely.  I bought 4 of them, and also a Barry M - Dusky Mauve and bottom/top coat.  I bought Accessorize Molten Copper-


Pink Spice

and.... Idol

I am absolutely loving them.  I'm loving Barry M's Dusky Mauve too but I'm sure you've already seen that.

I was going out on Friday night but unfortunately I had to stay in the office til 5pm.  The good thing about that though, was that mostly everyone left around 4pm, leaving me to sneakily paint my nails in the office while it was quiet! ;) I went out with my friends that night and had a great time.

On the Saturday, I started my Christmas shopping.  I got my mum & dad's from Molton Brown, and got bf's from Hugo Boss.  I then met my friends again for a couple of drinks but headed home after a couple with my heavy bags.  That night I started to feel ill, and by the time Sunday came round I was dying with the worst cold ever!  My Nana came to collect me and we went to my Aunt's birthday tea.  I was due to go n see Frankie Boyle with my friend that night but I gave it a miss as I felt so ill.  I got the train back to Edinburgh and my lovely friend Steven came and picked me up at the station and dropped me off at my flat :)

I was off work til Thursday and ended up going to the doctor where I was told the cold had brought my asthma back and so I now have an inhaler for the next wee while!

Me & bf took a half day on Friday there and went to Glasgow.  The weather was bad but we got through fine.  We had dinner at his parent's house and stayed over.  On Saturday I got my hair done, then me & bf went to the cinema & for dinner.  Stayed over at his parent's again on Saturday night then went home to Edinburgh on Sunday.  Lucky we left early coz after that the weather went mental!

And so now I am in the middle of another boring week at work!  It has been quiet due to the weather, which means I've had the chance to get right in to my Christmas shopping :) still got quite a bit to go though.  Can't wait to get it finished :) xx

PS.  I think I may have repeated myself in this post and the one before that, but hey! :) x