Tuesday 4 January 2011

I'm sorry, I can't afford a Ferrari, but that don't mean I can't get you there

Hi :)

My birthday tea with my family yesterday was lovely.  My bf's family also came.  Both families get on really well which is really nice.  My ex's family were kinda weirdos.  I got some lovely presents and also some money.  Even though it wasn't my actual birthday, I couldn't help but open my presents!  I will still have some to open on my actual birthday tomorrow though :) bf has kept his back, and I got one from my friend Steven tonight.  I will get presents from my friends late, as they are coming through to Edinburgh on the 15th for a late birthday lunch! :)

Bf stayed over with me at my parent's last night.  After the birthday tea we went for a walk together in the dark pouring rain (!) and then decided we would go for a sit-down Indian meal, yum yum.  At the end of the meal we were given a shot each.  I had Apple Sourz, bf had Cherry Sourz.  Weird to be given them randomly after an Indian meal but nice.

Today I gathered all my stuff together and my Nana & her husband gave me & bf a lift back to Edinburgh.  I needed a lift from Edinburgh with all the presents I had for other people before Christmas, and then it was the same on the way back with all the presents I had received!!  Bf hasn't been feeling too well so he just chilled out when we got back but I started to try and put away some of my presents and and stuff I bought myself in the sales.

Tonight me & my friend Steve went to the cinema to see The King's Speech starring Colin Firth!  I wasn't that interested in the film but Steven asked me last week to go.  He is really in to the royal family and so was really excited.  I don't really like them but do find them & their history kinda interesting.  Anyway the film was great!  Colin Firth is amazing in it, and so is the guy that plays his speech therapist, not sure of his name.  Steven picked me up and dropped me off home after it, and gave me my present!  Will be opening that tomorrow.

Well it looks like I will be having a nice birthday tomorrow :) bf has told me that he will be getting up to go and get us McDonald's breakfasts in the morning so I can eat it lying in bed, then we will be going to view a flat, then we will be going for a birthday lunch which I think I have decided will be at the Hard Rock Cafe, then we will be viewing another flat later, and then after that he will give me his own wee birthday tea :) can't wait! :) <3 xx

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