Thursday 6 January 2011

You think you're chocolate but you're chewing gum!

Hi :)

My birthday yesterday was lovely.  Bf really wasn't feeling well but he still insisted on getting up in the morning and going out to bring me a McDonald's breakfast so I could have it in bed :) we then had a lazy morning in bed, and eventually got up to view a flat.

I reeeeeeeeeeally liked the flat :)

After that we went to the Hard Rock Cafe, which is where I wanted to go for my birthday lunch.  I'd never been to one before though, and when we went in I wasn't impressed with the menu at all, so we moved on, and ended up in Zizzi's!  Yum!  After that we went to TGI Friday's where I had a champagne birthday cocktail, Bellini, mmm! 

We then headed home for a while, then out to see another flat.  After that, bf made me my birthday tea!  Which was actually square sausage & potato scones!  Ha ha!  He said he knew I loved them (which I do) and what was wrong with eating that for dinner and not breakfast? :)  Then a lovely chocolate cake :)

Today it was back to work :( but not until after we had seen another flat!  It was nice but not really for us, and we decided to go for the first flat we seen yesterday!  Due to move in on 4th February :) I am soooooooooo excited!  I need to look in to foam mattress toppers and couch covers now :) wooooooooo Ikea here we come! :) xx

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a lovely birthday! I've given you the Versatile Blogger award on my blog.
