Sunday 2 January 2011

Happy New Year :)

Hope you all had a good one :) I did, and I had a good new year's day although today I have been in a bit of a mood!

During the day on Friday I met my friends and then that night I spent Hogmanay (as it's called in Scotland) at bf's parent's house with them & him.  It was a nice little quiet one and I toasted the bells with raspberry vodka & lemonade, and kisses & hugs.  We had planned on new year's day to go to my aunt's as we usually do for a nice big dinner, but unfortunately she is ill with the flu!  So instead we went to my other aunt's, which was just as good.  Although there was less drinking involved than there usually is at my other aunt's!  Bf stayed at my mum & dad's house with me last night, which was great until we had a little "hiccup" which has left me in a mood today.  Everything is fine I just find it hard to get out of my little moods.  Something I should work on in 2011! 

Anyway, he was at the football today and I had plans to hit the sales!  Which I did :) I got in to Glasgow pretty early and it was quiet (for a change) so I had the luxury of being able to look round Primark and being able to actually move without having to barge past loads of people!  I bought a few things in there, then headed to H&M, and Boots.  I went to a lot of shops in between but those 3 are the only ones I bought from.  Oh and I finally managed to get myself a bottle green coat that I liked :) this winter I have been living in my green Parka which is great, but I also wanted something a little smarter.

I will be in my parent's house on my own tonight as they are away and my brother has been kicked out, eeeeek.  I think I will spend tonight painting my nails.  I was going to have a bath but not sure if I can be bothered :-/

Tomorrow is my family birthday tea.  My birthday is actually on Wednesday but I will be back in Edinburgh by then so we're doing it tomorrow :) then on Tuesday me & bf will head back to Edinburgh, I am going to the cinema with a friend that night and then it's my birthday! :) and back to work on Thursday.



  1. Sorry to hear you've been feeling moody - I have too! Hope you had a nice time at your family birthday tea, and enjoy yourself on your actual birthday.

  2. Cheers Lorna, hope you had a great new year :) xxx
