Saturday 20 November 2010

If the sun or the moon would give way to doubt, they would immediately go out

Heeeeeeeeey :)

I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time today.  I usually get them waxed but I've wanted to try threading for a while.  A colleague recommended that I just have a look in the windows of the little Indian fabric shops at the top of Leith Walk, and that they would probably have signs in the window advertising threading.  I was a bit scared at the thought because I'm always a bit hesitant when trying new eyebrow places.  I've had an eyebrow disaster once and it's sooooo bad coz it's right on your face and you can hardly do anything about it!  Anyway, I was brave and decided to go for it.  I'm a bit more handy with an eyebrow pencil these days and thought if it was messed up at least I could save it a bit.  

So the first fabric shop on Leith Walk had a little sign outside advertising beauty treatments, including eyebrow threading so I hopped in.  The woman behind the counter said it cost a fiver and said to go through the back and I'd probably have to wait 10 mins.  I went through and there was a small room, with 2 big chairs in front of mirrors, a treatments bed and a few chairs for people to sit and wait on.  There was 2 women working, and the waiting chairs were full so one of them told me to sit on the bed, so I did.  I'd been sitting there a good few minutes when I realised there was a tiny baby just lying on the end of the bed!  Bit surprising but hey ho.  The baby started to cry and another lady came and took it away.

Eventually........... it was my turn!  I'd heard that sometimes you have to hold your eyebrow up for them, so I said to the woman that it was my first time so she knew to tell me to do stuff.  I didn't have to hold my eyebrow up but I did have to hold it down at one point.  I must say, it was sore!!!  But in a few minutes it was   over and I handed over my fiver.  After that I was straight on the bus to Asda which took ages, and so it was a while before I actually got a chance to look at my eyebrows properly and see if I liked them.  I did look in the mirror in the shop but my brows were all red so I couldn't really tell.  When I got there they had calmed down and I was really happy with them :) they are a nice shape and look more even than they usually do.  Plus, it was only £5!  I usually pay between £10-£15 for waxing.  I'll definitely be back there, and hopefully it won't be as sore next time!

In other news, I had a busy weekend last week.  On the Friday night I went to my friend Steven's flatwarming/birthday party.  It was good and a met a few nice new people.  On the Saturday, me & bf went to Glasgow.  When we got there, he met his sister for lunch and I met my friend.  We had lunch then took a walk along to Sloane's market - which sells some lovely little things, and I bought 2 rings and a necklace.  Then my other friend came along and we went to the pub, and bf met us there later.  Me & bf had to leave eventually as we were going to my uncle's 50th.  All of my family went for dinner.  We had a private room in a local pub and it was lovely.  After the meal, most people went home but me, bf, my aunt & uncle stayed til closing time and had a great time!  There was a singer, and usually I hate live music, but I really enjoyed her singing.  She was a great singer, sang great songs and also had a laugh with the crowd.  She did little dances, and was even up dancing on a chair at one point.  Also there was people up dancing the whole night, and dancing on tables!  Great fun :)

On to this weekend :) last night we went to see Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows :-D I looooooooooved it :) I want to see it again.  Today I got my eyebrows threaded, as I mentioned above, also got a little bit of shopping in ;) tonight me & bf are having a "bed night" which is when we got to bed really early and just watch tv, eat sweets & cuddle etc :) might sound silly but we love it ha ha :) xx


  1. I've been wondering about eyebrow threading. Like you, I'm always nervous to try new things, especially concerning my face. I'm glad it went well for you...I also saw Harry Potter this weekend. LOVED IT! Can't wait until July for part 2!

  2. Well I loved it! You should go for it :)

    I know, how good was Harry Potter? And sad too though :-/

    I can't wait either :) xx
