Monday 29 November 2010

Let it snow!

Oh it's so beautiful outside, it won't stop snowing :) it's getting heavier & heavier as I type, I love it :)

Last week was a bit of a nightmare.  On Wednesday I had to be in the office for 07:30am...... uuuuuuuggggghhh!  I made it though!  Then I was in for a long, tough day at work.  Went to sleep about 11:30pm, and was woken at 12:30am but the people downstairs having a party :( then I was up til 5am because of them!  They didn't quieten down til we got the police out.  They are generally noisy & annoying but this was just taking the piss.  Bf went down to see them the next day and they said they were sorry, didn't realise they were so loud, blah blah blah.  I was away most of the weekend but last night one of them came to the door to say that they had people over (10 people) and that they were meant to leave yesterday morning, but because of the snow their flight back to Poland was cancelled and so they are here for another week.  I don't believe there ever was a flight they were meant to catch and I suspect that they all here looking for work.  I don't know about in other parts of the country, but in Edinburgh, when you have Polish people in a flat, there always seems to be about 10-12 of them in 1 or 2 bedroomed flats.  Well I hope they all get jobs and move out or go back to Poland soon coz they are doing my nut in.

So anyway I was in a terrible mood all of Thursday because of lack of sleep, and another tough day at work.

Friday was great.  I worked in Glasgow, I started late, met my friend for lunch, bought new nail varnish... managed to paint my nails in work when it got quiet, shhhhhhh!  After work I met my friends in the pub and had a nice night :) stayed in Glasgow all weekend.  On Saturday I had a lie in then spent some time with my mum & dad.  My mum has an amazing jewellery collection and managed to get her to part with some of for me ;) then I went Christmas shopping (Hugo Boss for bf and Molton Brown for mum & dad), and met my friends in the pub.  Only stayed out for 2 or 3 drinks.  They were having an all-dayer and I just wasn't in the mood.  Went home, had a nice bath and watched X Factor.  Yesterday I stayed in bed most of the day then went to my aunt Ann's for her birthday tea.

The only bad thing about the weekend was that I developed the cold from hell :( it started on Saturday night, and it was the reason I stayed in bed most of Sunday.  I was meant to be going to see Frankie Boyle last night in Glasgow with my friend, then getting the last train back to Edinburgh, but I felt too ill and so I cancelled.  I got the train back to Edinburgh and my lovely friend Steven came and picked me up at Waverley and dropped me off at my flat :) I am a 15/20 min walk from the station, but it was too dodgy to walk it and the taxi queue was massive, and also I was dying with the cold by that point so he was a total life saver.

Me & bf were meant to be going to the cinema & stuff today but I just don't feel up to it :( I feel bad coz bf was really looking forward to it :( I was too though.  We are meant to be off today but he has had to nip in to work for a while and I have asked him to come back with medicine & hankies for my cold!

Hope you are all enjoying the snow! :) xx


  1. I love your blog! Hope you feel better soon, colds are really horrible. Have lots of lemsip :-)

    I have a bit of a problem with noisy neighbours too...

  2. Aww thank you :) pain in the bum aren't they? I'm away to check out your blog :) xx
