Friday 5 November 2010

I'm doing nothing... coz then at least I'm doing nothing wrong

Evening :)

Last night I ended up in work until half past 7pm, after starting at half 8am.  Shattered.  I was waiting on briefing coming in for the next day, today.

This morning I was at the hospital for my heart <3 all seems to be fine!  My heart scan was fine, heart is perfect.  I do have some irregular beats, which are called ectopic beats, but everyone can occasionally get them, it's just that I seem to be getting loads.  They don't do any harm.  I'm going back in February for a check up but I'm sure it'll be fine! :)

After the hospital I headed to Stirling for a conference.  I sat right up the back.  I didn't choose to go, I had to accompany the boss.  I was there for about 4 hours!  Boredom!!!  I played on my phone for a bit, but you can only do that for so long.  I tried to listen to the speeches, but they were too boring.  I nipped out a couple of times, pretending to go to the toilet, to go n read my magazine!  A guy in front of me's mobile rang, REALLY loud, TWICE!  It rang, so he ran out the room all embarrassed to take the call, came back in 2 mins later, and before he even sat down it rang again!!  You'd think after the first time he'd have learned his lesson and put it on silent!  I'm just glad it wasn't me.  Although mine did vibrate very loudly a few times before I realised it was mine!

After I got back to Edinburgh, I went in to the office for an hour, then headed home for a quiet night in with bf!

Tomorrow, me & my friend and going a drive to Ikea and some other shops, and for lunch. We also have to go on a mission to find Glamour magazines, as I hear they are giving away Nails Inc and so I will need to get every shade they're doing it in of course.  I kinda forgot about it, until bf mentioned it.  He said "I didn't know if you were in to that kinda stuff"  what, nail polish?  Our fridge is full of it.  It's going to be so difficult to get them all.  I take it he forgot when we were running round London this summer trying to get all the different free Benefit things with Glamour, or running round Manchester last year trying to get all the free Nails Inc stuff they did in November last year.  Oh well, fingers crossed we can find them all tomorrow.

Sunday, I am doing my first Spin class in years!  Then meeting another friend and going to see a couple of gyms, and for lunch.

Also buying Christmas decorations with bf somewhere in amongst all of the above :) xx

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