Wednesday 20 October 2010

Baby you're a firework

Heylo, wow it's so cold again!  I guess I shouldn't be so surprised, it is kinda almost November!

I finished my training course at work yesterday.  I acted in a video with my team, for the rest of the group to watch.  I played a "difficult" employee and it was so embarrassing to act!  Also I found it so hard to keep a smile off my face!  Just about managed it though.  Then it was sooooooooooo cringe-worthy sitting with the rest of the group watching it!  I was so out of my comfort zone, but that's good.  Got to get out there!  I met some nice people on the course too, so it was all good :)

I had a splitting headache last night.  It sort of came from nowhere.  I had a slight headache during the day, took painkillers, which made no difference.  Painkillers hardly ever help me with headaches.  I think I just take them out of habit when I get a headache.  The only ones that ever make any difference are soluble Solpadine but I don't want to take them too often.  Anyway, the headache carried on after I got home, and then suddenly it got drastically worse.  I had to switch the laptop off there and then and go straight to bed.  When my boyfriend came in he got me Solpadine.  I was just going to try and sleep it off  but the last time I had a headache like that, I managed to get to sleep but it was still there when I woke up in the middle of the night.  The Solpadine helped a lot.  At first I thought it was because I'd worn my contact lenses all day, but I've now decided that it's my Pill.

When I first got the pill when I was 17, the doctor put me on Microgynon.  I later came off that (can't remember when) and changed to Cileste.  I was on that for a good few years before I stopped it.  I only stopped it because I wasn't having sex at the time.  I remember that for those years I was on Cileste I suffered from bad & constant headaches, but I never put it down to the pill.  I was never out of the doctors about my headaches and they ended up sending me for an MRI scan, which came back clear, and they could never explain them.  I got sick of going in the end and just put up with the headaches.  It was terrible though, I could hardly do anything, it was hard to cope at work, I couldn't have a drink or do other "normal" things.

Eventually, thankfully, the headaches subsided.  I now realise that they probably subsided, because I stopped taking Cileste, and when I went back on the pill, it was a different one, it was Ovranette.  I've had a few pill-related issues recently and the doctor had suggested I change pill, and gave me Cileste.  Surprise surprise, the headaches are back!  I'm blaming Cileste!  I've made an appointment to go back and to explain this and get a different pill, but it's not til next Friday.  I don't want to stop taking the pill before then just in case so I'll just have to put up with it til then.  I was in tears last night, mainly because I was so worried that things were going to go back to the way they used to be when I was plagued with headaches.

Health issues!!!  Between this and going back to the hospital about my heart I am swamped with them! xoxo

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