Sunday 31 October 2010

What's in my bag?

I've always wanted to do one of these posts because I always LOVE reading everyone else's!  So here's mine...

1. Post a picture of the bag, purse, handbag, pocketbook [whatever you call it] that you are carrying. Now, don't you even think about going back there to your closet and getting your very favorite one or that cute little vintage clutch that you carried the last time you went out...I want to see the purse that you carried today!

2. Tell us how much it cost. Oh my, I know what you are thinking - a proper lady would never discuss matters of money, darling. Well, yes, but today we are gonna break that rule and tell. Yes, tell how much it cost. We won't judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. And if there is a story that goes along with this purse, tell it.

This is the bag that I carry around most of the time just now.  It's from River Island and I think it cost about £36.99, something like that?  I love River Island bags.

This is what it's full of!  Let's have a closer look...

Topshop loose blush in Rosy
Snowfairy lip tint from Lush
Tin of Vaseline Rose
Revlon lipglosses in Pink Crystals & Pink Pop
Urban Decay Heavy Metal eye glitter in Power Ballad
Kylie Minogue Darling perfume

Bodyform poodle tin
a loose Tampax!
little brush with a little mirror from Claire's Accessories

My diary.  This was a Christmas present!
My purse from River Island
My keys (my flat, mum & dad's, Nana's & work) plus keyrings
Work pass

Gloves from Accessorize
Umbrella, can't remember where this is from.... maybe Peacocks
A pen!  Probably stolen from work

There was also stuff from the bank & bus tickets in there but you don't need a close up of that :)

So there it is!  Hope you enjoyed reading mine as much as I love reading all yours! :) xx

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love your diary!! :-P

    I need a new bag, and your River Island one looks nice. I may have to go there.

    I also love reading these "look inside my handbag" posts!
