Saturday 23 October 2010

This must be the place

Hi, happy Saturday :)

I hope you've had a good week, mine's been pretty good.

I had a training course Monday & Tuesday, which was alright, not the best course I've been on but it was kinda fun and I met some nice people.  Aaaaand some "interesting" people.  I got particularly well with this one guy, and I noticed the other day that we are on another course together in November! :)

Back to work on Wednesday.  It was ok, then Thursday was really busy.  Yesterday was ok at work but I had to stay kinda late.  I got my mid-year review as well.  I got a good mark but I really hate reviews.  They make me all nervous.  I just hate the idea of sitting in a room while someone tells you how good or bad you are.  I just want to get on with my work.

Last night I went to a friend's flat for a while for a little drink then I just came home.  It wasn't a late one.
Boyfriend has been very cute this week :) <3 he phoned me from work on Thursday evening saying he was leaving to go to the shop to buy something for dinner and I said I would meet him and go the walk with him.  So I met him and he said he wanted to go to Tesco, but he said not the usual Tesco we go to, he wanted to go to "the other one, up the hill".  "Is there another one up there?" I asked.  "Yes." he said.  So I said ok and we started walking.  He stopped outside a nice restaurant and said "There's Tesco there!"  He was actually surprising me by taking me out for dinner :) awwwww!  Luckily I hadn't thought "Oh, we're only going to Tesco" and dressed like a tramp ha ha, I actually looked ok to be in the restaurant :)

Then, we were in bed the other night and just before midnight, he got up and said "Oh, I just have to go and switch my computer off, I've been downloading anti-virus stuff".  He was away for quite a while but I wasn't bothered, I ended up falling asleep!  But he lied!  It was nothing to do with anti-virus stuff, guess what he was doing?  Booking tickets for us to go and see Harry Potter on the day it's released!  He doesn't even like Harry Potter he just knows how much I do!  So sweet! :)

Staying in tonight and watching the X Factor, no plans for tomorrow so far :) xx

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